Israel Campus Culture
We believe that education comes before anything. Our educational programs help build an informed Jewish community, send students to Israel, and create life-learning programs on campus. By participating in various events, Israel-related learning fellowships, and discussions students have the opportunity to foster a meaningful relationship with Israel and their personal Jewish identities.
Currently, CSU Chico is partnering with Hillel International's Campus Climate Initiative (CCI). The Campus Climate Initiative works alongside higher education administrators to foster a welcoming campus environment where Jewish students can freely express their identity and beliefs without fear of discrimination. CSU Chico is developing policy dedicated to the safety of our Jewish students. Administrators are broadening their understanding of Jewish student's needs and the different forms of antisemitism. The next steps include bringing on lay leaders, faculty, and student leadership departments to continue increasing awareness and ensuring the safety of Jewish students.
Currently, CSU Chico is partnering with Hillel International's Campus Climate Initiative (CCI). The Campus Climate Initiative works alongside higher education administrators to foster a welcoming campus environment where Jewish students can freely express their identity and beliefs without fear of discrimination. CSU Chico is developing policy dedicated to the safety of our Jewish students. Administrators are broadening their understanding of Jewish student's needs and the different forms of antisemitism. The next steps include bringing on lay leaders, faculty, and student leadership departments to continue increasing awareness and ensuring the safety of Jewish students.
Understanding Antisemistism on Campus:
3-part Series
The Series as a Whole
Learning Outcomes:
- Refresh knowledge of and/or fill in knowledge gaps about Jewish history and antisemitism;
- Gain confidence and comfort in our ability to articulate the history and modern manifestations of antisemitism;
- Gain confidence in how to address and respond to antisemitism in our campus communities;
- Continue to build our relationships with one another, and gain an understanding of the experiences, points of view, and skills we each bring to this work.
Click here to view all 3 videos
Video 1 provides a very high level overview of Judaism, Jewish history and Jews today.
This video aims to provide an historical framework so we have a better understanding of the ways in which antisemitic tropes have been utilized in the targeting of Jews and the Jewish community, and how antisemitism has morphed throughout time -- and continues to.
This video aims to provide an historical framework so we have a better understanding of the ways in which antisemitic tropes have been utilized in the targeting of Jews and the Jewish community, and how antisemitism has morphed throughout time -- and continues to.
Video 2 has two parts to it -- each part is roughly half of the run time.
Part 1 explores antisemitism in the world today, and Part 2 dives into antisemitism specifically on North American college campuses today.
Part 1 explores antisemitism in the world today, and Part 2 dives into antisemitism specifically on North American college campuses today.
Video 3 focuses on Understanding Antisemitism today and on campuses.